Thursday, September 15, 2016

Sept 15- Wake Up!

1 Read 20 mins
2 All About Me due tomorrow
3 Please bring back your FAF journal if it is at home
4 Scholastic due next Friday
5 Tomorrow is FAF. Please dress for the weather, bring water bottle, snacks, etc. We will be going to WW, schoolyard and Barrett Park.
6 For health, for the next week, please write down when you go to sleep and when you wake up, and see if you are getting 10-11 hours per night. Write down your routine and see if you can make any changes to improve your sleep routine.
What did you learn today? 
In music we learned about rhythms, we learned about Beakerhead and we did our performance with our bubblewrap instruments and filmed it to be uploaded to Beakerhead tomorrow. We learned about what time we go to bed and what time we get up and how much sleep we need,and we talked about doing calming things before we go to bed. Today in Math we had buddies and used whiteboards to make subtraction problems with the number 70 45 and 25.