Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Dec 13 - The Great Elf Game

1 Read 30 mins
2 Science Test signed and returned before Friday.
3 Winter Sports Day - Friday (if the weather co-operates)
What did you learn today?
We learned how to play The Great Elf Game! It is a game of risk, chance and probability.
How did you show what you learned?
We used a sheet to record our information for the game. Each person starts with 12 elves. You have to decide an amount of elves to go to either the woods, the forest or the mountain road to cut down trees and make money for you. Then Ms Cowdy the amazing meteorologist, rolls a die to tell you what the weather is. If it is a blizzard, the elves you sent to the forest do not come back with trees. If you send them to the mountain and it is a blizzard, they do not come back in time to cut down more trees. Ask me why I have to choose to send them to the three different places.
What do you need to learn next?
We will continue the game and find out if we win the lottery and who makes the most money.