Friday, May 26, 2017

May 26 - Swimming Day

1 Read 30 mins
2 Swimming on Monday and everyday next week - PLEASE REMEMBER YOUR SWIMSUITS!!! AND TOWELS! AND UNDERWEAR!!
3 Scholastic Orders Due June 2
What did you learn today?
We all went swimming today. Some of us learned new skills like the front crawl, whip kick, breast stroke, some of us practiced already learned skills like back flutter kick, breast stroke with whip kick, spiderman (ask me about this) front crawl and back crawl.
How did you show what you learned?
We went down to the pool with room 2 and we practiced our swimming skills.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to practice kicking, arm movement, head movement, breathing, jumping in, diving. 

****Just a note about bringing toys or fidget toys to school. Many students are bringing valuable objects to school and things are happening to them. Just a gentle reminder that toys and valuables should be left at home. Also a note about the fidget toys, that if they are for fidgeting they are effective. If they are treated as toys, they are distractions and students will be asked to take them home. Please be extra careful instructing your child about appropriate fidget spinners use, especially about not putting it in their mouths, as the bushings on some of them come out and are a choking hazard.****