Thursday, June 22, 2017

June 22 - What's the Chance?

1 Read 30 mins
2 Science Projects due Monday - may have some time tomorrow to work on them.
3 Last FAF of the year. Please dress for the weather.
4 Bring your fidget spinners and bottles tomorrow.
What did you learn today?
We started our new math centers on probability.
How did you show what you learned?
In the fidget spinner center there are sheets that we had to colour in to make spinners. We had to use our fidget spinner to see which colour it landed in. We then had to figure out the probability of events in a fraction and a decimal. In the rock, paper,scissors center we had to play r, p, s with a partner and record who won and which one you won with. Then you had to figure out the probability of each win. We also had a bottle flipping center. We had to practice how to flip it and then we had to choose a number of times we were going to flip it with four different bottles. We had to figure out the percentage of successful flips.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to complete the centers.