Monday, January 15, 2018

Jan 15 - Simile Portraits

1 Read
2 Homework: Bellringer and Problem of the Day - these should be in the black homework folder. Please hand in tomorrow morning. If it is not complete you will be doing it at recess.

What did you learn today?
We did Simile Portraits in Art today. We read My dog is as Smelly as Dirty Socks
How did you show what you learned?
We picked a person or thing to do the portrait and we wrote similes about what they are like.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to type up our similes and search up pictures to represent our similes to put on our good copy of our portrait. 

A note about Problem of the Day: If there is a happy face stamp it means you got the right answer and did the problem like you were instructed. If there is orange highlighter it means you got the answer wrong, you missed something or you forgot something. The expectation is that you fix or correct or add the missing information so that you can get a happy face. If there are no marks it means you did not hand it in.

Link for Problem of the Day #7_8