Thursday, March 22, 2018

March 22 - Spring Break!

1 Read
2 Homework: Problem of the Day
3 No School tomorrow - see you April 3rd!
What did you learn today?
We reviewed the rock cycle.
How did you show what you learned?
We cut and pasted pictures on the rock cycle.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to classify our pet rocks.

Dear Parents,
Are you looking for an activity that will allow your child to continue learning and have fun during spring break? Then check out Greg Tang’s Spring Math Challenge! (
Students can go to to complete the activities on the attached game board.
This is an optional activity. Students who complete the challenge can earn a certificate and a chance to win a personalized signed copy of one of Greg Tang’s books, as well as a prize from Ms. Cowdy and Ms. Jones.
It is fine for students to get help from you or someone else if they need it. They can also move to harder or easier levels of the games to make them more or less challenging.
After your child completes the activity, just sign their sheet and send it back to school with them by May 8th.