Tuesday, June 26, 2018

June 26 - Ketchup and You MustEARN the Privilege

1 Read
2 Tomorrow is the last day of school! We are hoping to have a water fight tomorrow from 11:00-11:45. Students are asked to bring a towel, some clothes that can get wet and a second set of clothes to get changed into after. Bring your water fight tools tomorrow! You can only participate in the water fight if you have finished your story and sketches, your mathletics assignments and your social studies work on Ukraine. - Colour Ukraine blue, crosshatch Crimea in red, colour the flag, colour pysanky, national symbols, your suitcase with 15 labelled items, Ukranian belief activity. 
3 Report Cards go home tomorrow.
4 If you have a lot of stuff to bring home that won't fit in your backpack please bring a reusable shopping bag to pack everything in.