Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Jan 23 - Forestry

1 Read - Congratulations to all the people who have been reading books and doing their mini book reports!
2 coming home tonight is a package of math work. Please show your parents your work. This is the things we have been working on since the November conferences.
3 Please make sure you have brought the materials you need for instruments because we will be starting to build our instruments tomorrow.
4 We are going on a field trip to the National Music Center on February 6. We will need 4 volunteers that have current security clearance. Please email Ms Cowdy if you are available.
What did you learn today?
We learned about forestry in Social Studies today.
How did you show what you learned?
We filled out a bubble of what things can be made out of wood and we listened to Ms Cowdy's stories about working in the forestry industry.
What do you need to learn next?
We are going watch the video and see what else is made from wood.