Friday, September 27, 2019

Sept 23-27 End of Week 4

End of Week 4!

Important for next week!

Monday is Orange Shirt Day so wear an orange shirt or your Dr. Coffin Shirt.

Special Report from our classroom bloggers:

Maria, our Social Studies blogger says:
We had to figure out what people lived in and different communities around Canada.

Jack, our Math blogger reports:
First we used logical reasoning and we learned a math game called Last Chance.

Malik, our Daily Five blogger reports:
This week we started Read to Someone and we got a new sheet. We had to read to someone EEKK (elbow to elbow, knee to knee)

Katie, tells us about Science this week:
In Science, we learned about light and shadows. We went outside and drew our shadows at different times of the day.

Here are some pictures taken by Logan, this week's photographer: