Sunday, December 15, 2019

End of Week 15!

End of Week 15! 

Important for next week!

  • Polar Express Day Monday - wear your christmas clothes/pajamas or your Dr. Coffin shirt!
  • Fill a Sock  Campaign- One more day to donate! The deadline has been extended to Monday! Dr. Coffin will support the Drop In Center’s “Fill a Sock, Fill a Need” Campaign again this winter season. On Christmas morning the Drop in Center likes to surprise their clients with a sock filled with the things that we all need on a day-to-day basis. Here are some of the items we are collecting starting on Monday: Socks (this will be what we use to stuff everything into), Gloves, mitts and hats, Lip balm, Travel size toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Hand Warmers, Calgary Transit tickets, Cough drops, Travel mugs, Deodorant, Brushes and combs, Chocolates and Candies, Razors and shaving cream, Travel size Shampoo and conditioner.
Special Report from our classroom bloggers: 

Josie, our Daily Five blogger reports:

This week in Daily Five we finished our plan for our Roll A Story. We conferenced with Ms Cowdy and we started writing. We also did snowman synonyms for word work.

Taylor, our Math blogger reports:

This week in math we got new math stretches and they were Christmas ones!For math we had a practice test so Ms Cowdy can see what we know. It was very fun!

Keely, our Science blogger reports:

In Science this week, we participated in the rocks and minerals presentation at the Glenbow Museum. On FAF, we made ice volcanoes. We did a fabulous job singing our Rock around the Christmas tree song at the Festive Evening.

Liam, our Social Studies blogger says:
This week in Social Studies, we did slides about the Glenbow museum artifacts.

These are pictures taken by Joachim: 

Videos from our FAF volcano building!