Monday, February 6, 2017

Feb 6 - The African Drum is Called A Djembe

1 Read 30 mins
2 POTW will be handed out tomorrow and due Friday
3 Treat Day tomorrow - Bring your quarters
What did you learn today?
We went to One World Drumming - we will be going everyday this week and there will be a sharing performance on Friday at 10:30
How did you show what you learned?
We went to the music room and met Mr. K who taught us how to play the African drum, which is called the Djembe. He taught us the three notes A, B, C. C is the hardest. We used a secret code to know when to start and stop. Ask me what it is.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to learn how to play our song. We hope that you can come to our sharing on Friday!