Friday, October 25, 2019

Oct 21-26 End of Week 8

End of Week 8!

Important for next week!
Swimming Monday and Wednesday this week
Halloween Parade Thursday afternoon at 1:20pm
No school on Friday, Nov 1 as it is a non instructional day
Halloween Parade info:

Halloween costume expectations and parade details – be respectful of the costumes you are choosing for your child to wear to school. We also discourage violent type or extremely scary costumes.  Do not bring all of the props or extra items that go along with your costume. Leave props at home. The Halloween parade will start at about 1:20 pm. 

Reminder for students:
Students please look after your belongings and put them in your backpacks and zip your backpacks up. There seems to be a lot of extra hats, mitts, etc. being left on the shelves rather than being put away. Outdoor footwear stays down on the mat and indoor shoes go up on the shelf, or left in the classroom.

Special Report from our classroom bloggers:

Yafet, our Social Studies blogger says:
In Social Studies this week we had to look at a mural that was near the swimming pool and find out what was important to people in Brentwood by sketching and thinking about the objects in the mural. We also looked at the painting son the side walk behind the community garden as well as the paintings in the community garden.

Leo, our Math blogger reports:
This week in math, we continued in increasing number patterns. We also had to do our Halloween math problems and correct our math stretch corrections.

Nicholas, our Daily Five blogger reports:
In Daily Five, we did our groups in daily five.There were five different things Ms. Cowdy gave us. We started guided reading groups, we are writing our spooky story in Work on Writing, and we did a dictionary scavenger hunt in Word Work.

Dhvani, tells us about Science this week:
In Science, did a lot of review for the Science test about light and shadow. The test had questions about light and shadow that we learned throughout the unit.
Here are some pictures taken by Jack, this week's photographer: