Friday, October 4, 2019

Sept 30 - Oct 4 End of Week 5

End of Week 5!

Important for next week!
Next Friday is a non instructional day, so there is no school. It will be an extra long thanksgiving weekend.

Special Report from our classroom bloggers:

Katie, our Social Studies blogger says:
We did a survey to ask what Brentwood community would like.

Malik, our Math blogger reports:
We worked on patterns and relationships in problem solving. The questions are hard lots of the time.

Yafet, our Daily Five blogger reports:
This week in daily five we were reading our books to our partners. We also did our purple duotangs.

Jack, tells us about Science this week:
On FAF looked at reflection. We did some experiments on rainbows and refraction.

Here are some pictures taken by Max, this week's photographer: